October 10th and North Korea’s Next Provocation Missile Test, Nuclear Test, EMP Event?
Japanese Defense Minister, Itsunori Onodera, has warned that more North Korean provocations were possible from Pyongyang on or about...
Russia, China, Iran Flexing Their Muscles While US Contends With North Korea
In the war on terror, the US Department of Homeland security is currently investigating as many as 1000 cases of home grown terrorist,...
North Korea Accuses the US of Declaring War and Threatens to Attack US Aircraft As War Against ISIS
In Europe and the war on terror, seven men have now been arrested in the Parsons Green (Islamic State) ISIS-inspired or directed terror...
North Korea Sticks a Finger in Trump's Eyes as Iran Rubs Salt in America's Wounds
There are two developments of note today that are almost certainly related and geared to put further pressure on US President, Donald...
Zapad Ends But Beware of The Russian Bear
Beware of the Russian Bear Now that Russia’s massive 100,000-man Zapad or “West” wargame with Belarus have come to an end, and other...
Russia and China: Let the Hand Wringing Begin
The last day has seen a great deal of pontification, criticism, whining, and sucking air through clenched teeth over US President, Donald...
Parsons Green Terror Attack and North Korean Summary
Parsons Green Terror Attack and North Korean Summary On Friday morning, a teenage Iraqi refugee planted a bomb on a British subway train...
War on Terror Continues, as Europe Fears Invasion and Asia Heats Up With More Threats From Kim Jong-
In the war on terror, a record 379 terror arrests were made in the UK in the last year with dozens coming after the Islamic State (ISIS)...
Seeds for the Next Pearl Harbor Sown Today at the UN Security Council Vote on North Korea
Sadly, the Trump administration has followed the paths of its predecessors and gone to the UN Security Council for one more round of...
September 9th and September 11th Anniversaries to be Key Dates for North Korea and Islamic Terror
In the third part of an English-language series on the Islamic State (ISIS) media channel, Furat Wilayah, promoting lone-wolf jihad style...