North Korea-US Summit Doomed to Failure
This will come as no surprise, but on North Korea I remain a sceptic. Will there be a US-North Korean summit? Yes potentially. Will it...
Only Direct Diplomatic and Military Action will Halt Chinese Ambitions to the South China Sea, Taiwa
In our 5 February post “Is Scarborough Shoal the Next to Fall to Beijing's South China Sea 'Salami Tactics'?” we warned that China’s next...
Syrian Crisis Strike Update
The US, France and UK struck three targets last night all focused on Syria’s chemical weapons capacity as well as command centers...
Syrian Crisis Update 13th April 2018
This morning, the Russians are making the ridiculous claim that the chemical weapon attack in Douma that killed 100 people and injured...
Syrian Crisis Update 12th April 2018
French President Emmanuel Macron has said that his government has proof that the Assad regime was behind the chemical weapon attack on...
Syria Update 11th April 2018
This morning it was reported that Russia’s envoy to Lebanon has warned that any missiles fired at Syria by the US will be targeted and...
Syria Update The Gathering Storm
On Syria, US President, Donald Trump, yesterday promised a strong response after meeting key members of his national security team within...
Weapons of Mass Destruction Use Increasing by Axis of Evil Rogue States and with Diminished Threshol
There have been a series of comments from political partisans in the US blaming President’s Trumps suggestion that perhaps it was time to...
John Bolton A Great Addition to Team Trump
Ambassador John Bolton will be a welcome addition to Team Trump and the White House as US National Security Adviser. First, John Bolton...
Kelly Induced Asia Strategic Update
My friends have been asking for a Pacific-oriented strategic update and so here goes. Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has been given a...