Zapad-18 Heating Up!
A few points of interest connected with Zapad-18 or not. Russian naval forces involved in Zapad-18 are estimated at 300 warships of...
ZAPAD-18 The Russian Bear is Back
Zapad-18 is the largest Russian wargame since Zapad-81 and involves some 300,000 personnel, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 vehicles, and an...
Denying the ISIS Threat to Canada Just as Damaging to Institutions of the state and Government, as T
Islamic State (ISIS) Leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has reportedly been heard from for the first-time in almost a year in a newly released...
Trudeau's Record on Terrorism from a Public Policy Perspective
In Public Administration you judge a government by what it says, what it does, and how it spends taxpayer’s money. This is as true of the...
ISIS and Al-Qaeda in 2018: The Threat Continues
Yesterday’s UN Security Council Report on Terrorism had several relevant points worth noting on the terrorism front, and most particular...
August 14th London Attack First Since 2017
On Tuesday morning, a person yet to be identified, used a Ford Fiesta vehicle to ram bicyclists and pedestrians outside Parliament in...
A Few Points on Commercially Available Drones and the Future of Terrorism
On Saturday, during a military parade, a previously unknown opposition group the Soldados de Franela or “T-Shirt Soldiers” exploded a...
Active Shooter Attacks
After last night’s very sad events in the Danforth in Toronto, there are some general observations on ‘Active Shooter Attacks’ based on...
The Trudeau Administration, the International Trade Debacle, and A Stroll Down Memory Lane: Too Litt
Strolls down memory lane are often a mix of bitter sweet memories. Those things that you like about yourself and others, and those that...
What is Trump Thinking: The Putin Summit
There is a feeling in the North Atlantic community that US President, Donald Trump, “The Donald” has out done himself in the last few...