Syrian Crisis Strike Update
The US, France and UK struck three targets last night all focused on Syria’s chemical weapons capacity as well as command centers...
Syrian Crisis Update 12th April 2018
French President Emmanuel Macron has said that his government has proof that the Assad regime was behind the chemical weapon attack on...
Syria Update 11th April 2018
This morning it was reported that Russia’s envoy to Lebanon has warned that any missiles fired at Syria by the US will be targeted and...
Kelly Induced Asia Strategic Update
My friends have been asking for a Pacific-oriented strategic update and so here goes. Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has been given a...
Beware of An ISIS Family Christmas!
On the war in Syria and Iraq, the US has just announced plans to reduce military support for groups fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) in...
UK Facing Large and Sophisticated Terror Threat Prepares to Fortify Christmas Markets
UK Facing Large and Sophisticated Terror Threat Prepares to Fortify Christmas Markets In North America, a US federal jury has convicted a...
North Korea Accuses the US of Declaring War and Threatens to Attack US Aircraft As War Against ISIS
In Europe and the war on terror, seven men have now been arrested in the Parsons Green (Islamic State) ISIS-inspired or directed terror...
September 9th and September 11th Anniversaries to be Key Dates for North Korea and Islamic Terror
In the third part of an English-language series on the Islamic State (ISIS) media channel, Furat Wilayah, promoting lone-wolf jihad style...
US Should Bring Back and Forward Deploy the Theatre-level, Nuclear-Tipped, Tomahawk Land Attack Crui
A great deal has happened since my Friday blog post entitled “The World is Sleepwalking into a Preemptive Military Strike on North...
The World is Sleepwalking into a Preemptive Military Strike on North Korea
The world is sleepwalking into a preemptive military strike on North Korea as strategic-diplomatic options to deal with the Kim Jong-un...