Trudeau Ideology, Mali and Peacekeeping
The Trudeau government has finally decided to embark on its long-promised peacekeeping mission to Mali to buttress its hopes of gaining a...
Beware of An ISIS Family Christmas!
On the war in Syria and Iraq, the US has just announced plans to reduce military support for groups fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) in...
ISIS Challenging Al Qaeda for Dominance in Somalia and Yemen, Zimbabwe Ready for a Coup, North Korea
In Africa, the Zimbabwean Army Commander, General Constantino Chiwenga, has warned those responsible for "purging" the country's ruling...
North Korea Accuses the US of Declaring War and Threatens to Attack US Aircraft As War Against ISIS
In Europe and the war on terror, seven men have now been arrested in the Parsons Green (Islamic State) ISIS-inspired or directed terror...
The United Kingdom Has Released A “Run, Hide, Tell” Video of What To Do In A terror Attack
The United Kingdom Has Released A “Run, Hide, Tell” Video of What To Do In A terror Attack Observers and analysts have warned that while...
It's time today to discuss a few points on terrorism. According to Intel Center, 1216 people have been killed in terror or rebel attacks...