Weapons of Mass Destruction Use Increasing by Axis of Evil Rogue States and with Diminished Threshol
There have been a series of comments from political partisans in the US blaming President’s Trumps suggestion that perhaps it was time to...
Next 48 to 72 Hours Could be Like a Roller Coaster Ride on the Terror Front but 2018 Will be Worse
As we come up on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, security forces have heightened security in New York, Las Vegas, London, and Paris to...
ISIS Christmas Attacks: There Are No Safe Places Anymore
The United Kingdom’s new Defense Secretary Galvin Williamson has gone on record and said that Britain and every other country that...
Beware of An ISIS Family Christmas!
On the war in Syria and Iraq, the US has just announced plans to reduce military support for groups fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) in...
ISIS Warns Manchester Suicide Attack First of Many on Crusader Soil: Canada Named
ISIS Warns Manchester Suicide Attack First of Many on Crusader Soil: Canada Named The Islamic State (ISIS) continues to push its Ramadan...
London ISIS Terrorists Reportedly had Molotov Cocktails in Their Van
London ISIS Terrorists Reportedly had Molotov Cocktails in Their Van With the Islamic State’s (ISIS) Ramadan offensive now well underway,...
London’s Second Vehicle Attack and Britain’s Third Terror Attack in Three Months
London’s Second Vehicle Attack and Britain’s Third Terror Attack in Three Months Over this past weekend the Islamic State (ISIS)...
Britain Battles the ISIS Ramadan Offensive and the US Makes Show of Force in the Western Pacific
In Europe, the battle with Islamic extremism continues to heat up as the United Kingdom appears to be taking the brunt of the Islamic...
In the Free World We Protect Women and Children to ISIS They Are Prime Targets
In the Free World We Protect Women and Children to ISIS They Are Prime Targets Today, in the wake of the Manchester suicide bombing...
A Matter of Time Before Drone Attacks by Terrorist Groups
It is now, only a matter of time, before we see the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, and lone wolfs inspired by foreign terror groups to carry...