ISIS Christmas Attacks: There Are No Safe Places Anymore
The United Kingdom’s new Defense Secretary Galvin Williamson has gone on record and said that Britain and every other country that...
Beware of An ISIS Family Christmas!
On the war in Syria and Iraq, the US has just announced plans to reduce military support for groups fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) in...
Time to Check Iranian Power Before it is Too Late
Time to Check Iranian Power Before it is Too Late What does the forced resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad El-Din Rafik...
North Korea Accuses the US of Declaring War and Threatens to Attack US Aircraft As War Against ISIS
In Europe and the war on terror, seven men have now been arrested in the Parsons Green (Islamic State) ISIS-inspired or directed terror...
India and China Reinforce Their Positions in the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet Border Area Stand-off
India and China Reinforce Their Positions in the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet Border Area Stand-off An active duty US Army soldier, Ikaika Kang,...
ISIS Belgium Based Francophone Attack Cell or ISIS-Inspired ‘Lone Wolf’
ISIS Belgium Based Francophone Attack Cell or ISIS-Inspired ‘Lone Wolf’ A US police officer has been critically wounded after being...
Britain Battles the ISIS Ramadan Offensive and the US Makes Show of Force in the Western Pacific
In Europe, the battle with Islamic extremism continues to heat up as the United Kingdom appears to be taking the brunt of the Islamic...
The Eve of Ramadan is Upon US and Britain, Europe and North America Need to Be Ready
The Eve of Ramadan is Upon US and Britain, Europe and North America Need to Be Ready We are on the eve of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month...
As ISIS loses Caliphate in Syria and Iraq are we ready for its fighters when they return home?
The cancer of the Islamic State has spread globally and it is now poised to carry out terror attacks abroad as it loses its Caliphate in...
Did Kim Jong-un assassinate his brother? Can this regime be deterred from a pre-emptive use of nucl
Malaysian authorities have revealed that the chemical nerve agent VX or O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate),...