ISIS Christmas Attacks: There Are No Safe Places Anymore
The United Kingdom’s new Defense Secretary Galvin Williamson has gone on record and said that Britain and every other country that...
Beware of An ISIS Family Christmas!
On the war in Syria and Iraq, the US has just announced plans to reduce military support for groups fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) in...
Time to Check Iranian Power Before it is Too Late
Time to Check Iranian Power Before it is Too Late What does the forced resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad El-Din Rafik...
US Prepared to Increase Readiness of Nuclear Triad in the Face of Threats from the Axis of Evil.
The US Air Force is reportedly preparing its fleet of B-52 nuclear-capable bombers for 24-hour alert at Barksdale Air Force Base. The...
UK Facing Large and Sophisticated Terror Threat Prepares to Fortify Christmas Markets
UK Facing Large and Sophisticated Terror Threat Prepares to Fortify Christmas Markets In North America, a US federal jury has convicted a...
North Korea Preparing For More Tests and Iran Under the Microscope
South Korean and US intelligence have recently reported that 30 Scud Short Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs) were moved from Hwangju,...
Tillerson on His Way Out and Bolton on a Come Back?
US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is likely on his way out and John Bolton, former UN Ambassador and former Ambassador for...
US and NATO Under Attack by Cyber Axis of Evil
The US and NATO are under attack again this time from the Cyber Axis of Evil, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. It has now been...
Russia, China, Iran Flexing Their Muscles While US Contends With North Korea
In the war on terror, the US Department of Homeland security is currently investigating as many as 1000 cases of home grown terrorist,...
North Korea Accuses the US of Declaring War and Threatens to Attack US Aircraft As War Against ISIS
In Europe and the war on terror, seven men have now been arrested in the Parsons Green (Islamic State) ISIS-inspired or directed terror...