Syria Update 11th April 2018
This morning it was reported that Russia’s envoy to Lebanon has warned that any missiles fired at Syria by the US will be targeted and...
Weapons of Mass Destruction Use Increasing by Axis of Evil Rogue States and with Diminished Threshol
There have been a series of comments from political partisans in the US blaming President’s Trumps suggestion that perhaps it was time to...
Trump Administration Nuclear Posture Review A Strategic Triumph
The Trump administration Nuclear Posture Review has finally given the long-overdue strategic guidance to deter Putin’s Russia in Europe,...
North Korea Sticks a Finger in Trump's Eyes as Iran Rubs Salt in America's Wounds
There are two developments of note today that are almost certainly related and geared to put further pressure on US President, Donald...
The Next 24 to 48 Hours Could See a Surge in Violence by Islamic Extremists against Western targets
The Next 24 to 48 Hours Could See a Surge in Violence by Islamic Extremists against Western targets and North Korean Provocations The...
ISIS Belgium Based Francophone Attack Cell or ISIS-Inspired ‘Lone Wolf’
ISIS Belgium Based Francophone Attack Cell or ISIS-Inspired ‘Lone Wolf’ A US police officer has been critically wounded after being...
ISIS Ramadan Offensive Continues as Collision Between USS Fitzgerald and Philippine-flagged ACX Crys
ISIS Ramadan Offensive Continues as Collision Between USS Fitzgerald and Philippine-flagged ACX Crystal Container Ship Remain Under...
The Islamic State Has Called for Attacks Throughout Western Europe and North America in Celebration
The Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group has called for its supporters to carry out attacks throughout Western Europe and North America...
Weekly Round Up- Great Power Games
As we go into the May long weekend here in Canada there are a few international stories that are worthwhile following that come in the...
Trudeau Needs to Take Note North Korea: Key Foreign Policy Challenge of the Trump Presidency
North Korea continues to be the key foreign policy challenge of the Trump Presidency and China, Russia, Iran, and the world for that...