Trudeau's Record on Terrorism from a Public Policy Perspective
In Public Administration you judge a government by what it says, what it does, and how it spends taxpayer’s money. This is as true of the...
Trudeau Government Must Charge Canadian ISIS Fighter Now in Face of CBC Documentary “The Way out!”
Back in the Spring, it was reported as the Islamic State neared the end of its brutal, genocidal Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, that...
Canadians Need to be Vigilant to the Threat Posed by Islamic State-Inspired Terror Ahead of Canada D
Canadians Need to be Vigilant to the Threat Posed by Islamic State-Inspired Terror Ahead of Canada Day Long Weekend. The Islamic...
ISIS Warns Manchester Suicide Attack First of Many on Crusader Soil: Canada Named
ISIS Warns Manchester Suicide Attack First of Many on Crusader Soil: Canada Named The Islamic State (ISIS) continues to push its Ramadan...
In the Free World We Protect Women and Children to ISIS They Are Prime Targets
In the Free World We Protect Women and Children to ISIS They Are Prime Targets Today, in the wake of the Manchester suicide bombing...
Security SITREP- What's happened on the continents and a review of terrorism this week that you
Asia The US has reportedly lost an F-18 Super Hornet attempting to land on the USS Carl Vinson now heading to the Sea of Japan to join...
Western democracies, including Canada, need to come to grips with Islamic extremism, and they need to do it now. Prime Minister, Justin...
An Ugly Week of Terrorist Attacks Seemingly Unnoticed by Trudeau
This past week has been a particularly ugly one on the terrorism front in Europe, and elsewhere, but you would not know it by the Trudeau...
Islamic State and Radicalized Attacked Seats of Government in Canada, United Kingdom, Middle East an
Today, we witnessed an attack on the British Parliament Buildings and Westminster Bridge similar in some regards to the attack on...
It's time today to discuss a few points on terrorism. According to Intel Center, 1216 people have been killed in terror or rebel attacks...