North Korea-US Summit Doomed to Failure
This will come as no surprise, but on North Korea I remain a sceptic. Will there be a US-North Korean summit? Yes potentially. Will it...
Syrian Crisis Strike Update
The US, France and UK struck three targets last night all focused on Syria’s chemical weapons capacity as well as command centers...
Weapons of Mass Destruction Use Increasing by Axis of Evil Rogue States and with Diminished Threshol
There have been a series of comments from political partisans in the US blaming President’s Trumps suggestion that perhaps it was time to...
Kelly Induced Asia Strategic Update
My friends have been asking for a Pacific-oriented strategic update and so here goes. Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has been given a...
‘Barking Dogs’ and Trump’s Visit to Asia in the Face of Likely North Korean Provocation
US President, Donald Trump, is set to depart today for a five-nation tour of Asia including China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and the...
North Korea Starts Moving to a War Footing in Last 24 Hours
North Korea has warned the US of an “unimaginable strike at an unimaginable time” in response to on-going joint US-South Korean naval...
Tillerson on His Way Out and Bolton on a Come Back?
US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is likely on his way out and John Bolton, former UN Ambassador and former Ambassador for...
Kim Jong-un Prepares for the Next Provocation on or About October 9th/10th as he Names his Sister hi
October 10th the anniversary of the founding of the North Korean Communist Party is upon us as well as the US Columbus Day and the next...
North Korea Sticks a Finger in Trump's Eyes as Iran Rubs Salt in America's Wounds
There are two developments of note today that are almost certainly related and geared to put further pressure on US President, Donald...
Russia and China: Let the Hand Wringing Begin
The last day has seen a great deal of pontification, criticism, whining, and sucking air through clenched teeth over US President, Donald...