Trump Administration Nuclear Posture Review A Strategic Triumph
The Trump administration Nuclear Posture Review has finally given the long-overdue strategic guidance to deter Putin’s Russia in Europe,...
North Korea Test-Fires ICBM That Can Strike the Entire Continental US, Europe and Australia
North Korea test-fired an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) at approximately 3 am local time from a launch site just north of...
ISIS Challenging Al Qaeda for Dominance in Somalia and Yemen, Zimbabwe Ready for a Coup, North Korea
In Africa, the Zimbabwean Army Commander, General Constantino Chiwenga, has warned those responsible for "purging" the country's ruling...
North Korean Tensions Increase Ahead of Trump Visit to China and South Korea
Three US aircraft carrier strike groups have now converged in the waters off the Korean peninsula including the USS Theodore Roosevelt,...
North Korea Preparing For More Tests and Iran Under the Microscope
South Korean and US intelligence have recently reported that 30 Scud Short Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs) were moved from Hwangju,...
North Korea Sticks a Finger in Trump's Eyes as Iran Rubs Salt in America's Wounds
There are two developments of note today that are almost certainly related and geared to put further pressure on US President, Donald...
Russia and China: Let the Hand Wringing Begin
The last day has seen a great deal of pontification, criticism, whining, and sucking air through clenched teeth over US President, Donald...
War on Terror Continues, as Europe Fears Invasion and Asia Heats Up With More Threats From Kim Jong-
In the war on terror, a record 379 terror arrests were made in the UK in the last year with dozens coming after the Islamic State (ISIS)...
Seeds for the Next Pearl Harbor Sown Today at the UN Security Council Vote on North Korea
Sadly, the Trump administration has followed the paths of its predecessors and gone to the UN Security Council for one more round of...
US Should Bring Back and Forward Deploy the Theatre-level, Nuclear-Tipped, Tomahawk Land Attack Crui
A great deal has happened since my Friday blog post entitled “The World is Sleepwalking into a Preemptive Military Strike on North...